The Tamburitzans

St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church presents a performance of The Tamburitzans, America’s longest-running multicultural song and dance company. The show will be held on Saturday, February 17, 2018, at 3:00 p.m. in the Middletown Area High School, 1155 North Union Street, Middletown, PA. The Tamburitzans celebrate their 81st season this year and continue to be dedicated to perpetuating international cultural heritage through entertaining performances ( 

Tickets: Adults - $35; seniors, college students with ID, and students 18 and under - $25; discount for groups of 10 or more. ALL TICKETS AT THE DOOR WILL BE $40.00. 

A “Meet the Tammies” Dance will follow the show at the church social hall at 601 South Harrisburg Street, Oberlin, with music by Orchestra Sviraj. Separate admission will be charged for the dance, which benefits the Serbian Orthodox Teachers and Youth Association (SOTAYA). 

For more information, please visit the parish website at or call the parish office at 717-939-3872. 

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